Mar 17, 2017 | Breaking News, Lifestyle, News, Touring
Hey everyone!! I’ve had a couple of really lovely gigs recently and thought they were moments worth mentioning! I had the honour of opening the show for Albert Lee at Leicester Square Theatre on 5th March. It was an incredible night! When I was studying guitar at music college we learnt all about Albert’s style of playing, and it was pretty cool to be supporting someone I idolise so much! Here are a few photos:

Another amazing gig recently was a performance in a 1000 year old chapel at Bailiffscourt Hotel and Spa!! WOW!!! It was a breathtaking venue – so intimate and candle lit – reminded me of Christmas! I also had a lovely review of that evening too, which made me very happy indeed! You can read it by clicking the link below.

Jan 28, 2017 | Breaking News, Merchandising, News, Touring
Thrilled to announce my headline tour dates this June!! I hope you can come along! ALSO…. Have you checked out my Pledge Page? You can pledge to come along to an exclusive pre-show experience at any of my headline shows on the “To My Roots” summer tour. Watch the soundcheck, hang out and chat with me pre-show and receive some signed merch. Does not include admission to the main show, which must be purchased from the venue. PLUS you’ll get a digital download of the new album and access to all the exclusive updates.
Twilight Trees have sponsored the stage for each show, I can’t wait for you to see it! It’s going to be very special!

See you all on the road really soon! So much love xxx Em xxx

Dec 17, 2016 | Breaking News, Lifestyle, News

I am thrilled to be using PledgeMusic for the second time to raise funds to support my third album campaign. I have been very busy this year. I spent a month writing in Nashville and when I returned home I was so inspired that I immediately started recording my new album, entitled “To My Roots”. I have challenged myself so much with this album, lyrically and musically, and played banjo, ukulele, guitar, electric guitar, piano and many other instruments, and thanks to many other incredible musicians in Nashville, I have been able to record the album of my dreams!
When it comes to releasing an album, there are so many hidden costs involved, which usually a major label would cover, but these costs can be so expensive for a self-funded artist like me! I really want to be able to fully promote “To My Roots” and with the kind help of every pledger, I can get closer to my dream. Among many things, you’ll make it possible for me to tour in June and to be able to work with an amazing team of people, all waiting to help me release and promote this album.
There are lots of exciting goodies and experiences available, so I hope you find something you’ll love and by pledging you’ll be part of the “To My Roots” team with access to all my updates and exclusive content!
I would be so grateful for any support you can give me here:
Love Em xxx
Sep 6, 2016 | Breaking News, Lifestyle, News
Hey Everyone!!
I’ve been a busy little bee working on the new album, which is almost finished (YAY!)… I have also been working on ideas to do something wonderful for the planet, too! Those that know me, understand my love and passion for nature and all things Earthy. Wouldn’t it be awesome if that could somehow co-incide with my music?! Without giving too much away, there’s a theme with the title of my new album, the movement of positivity behind it and the idea of connecting us all with all the wonderful gifts that mother nature has to offer us! Oh, and of course, with power MUSIC!
I pitched my idea to a wonderful global environmental charity called “Earthwatch” and from thousands of applications I’ve been selected to the final round, where I could win £5,000 to make this dream of mine come true… Next week I pitch to a team of Dragon’s (eek!) and an audience made up of the public. If you want to know more you can come along (and be the sixth dragon!) and watch me give my pitch in London next Thursday 15th at 7pm at The Royal Geographical Centre – limited space available!
I’m nervous! I’m excited! But most of all I’m looking forward to letting music take me back “To my Roots” …