Feb 13, 2019 | Lifestyle, News, Touring
Hello there my wonderful followers!! Just a heads up that I will be touring in May and I cannot wait!! Some of these places I have NEVER played before!!! So please come along and if there’s something fun to do in your city let me know! You can get your tickets via my website http://www.emmastevensmusic.com/shows Big hugs and Love xxx

Nov 4, 2018 | Lifestyle, News, Touring
On Tuesday I had the great pleasure of supporting The Feeling at The O2 Academy in Bristol! It was by far one of my favourite gigs, incredible crowd! It was lovely to see my friend Kevin Jeremiah doing his thing on stage. We have been collaborating on some new music coming out on my “Atoms” EP next year! Here are some photos of the night. ❤️