Nov 3, 2015 | Breaking News, News
Hey everyone!
Some of you might remember last year, when I decided to take on a mega challenge for Children in Need! I performed a 12 hour buskathon, raising £2,000! You can watch it all HERE: and I talked about it live on BBC South HERE:
This year I have decided to take on another challenge! On Wednesday 4th November (yes.. TOMORROW!!) I will be visiting as many local infant schools as I possibly can within the school day, along with the lovely BBC South crew filming me every step of the way! The aim is to perform a song of mine, spread a bit of love and positivity and hopefully raise a bit of money for Children in Need as well! I hope that some of the children even join in and sing/clap! So far I have a list of 6 schools I need to get to… Wish me luck!
One school on the list in particular is very close to my heart. It was the school my Mum taught at. She was a wonderful teacher and I know the school really miss her now she is no longer with us. The children made a beautiful stained glass window memorial for her which I hope I can share with you all, too.
This is due for broadcasting the following day on BBC South, but I will keep you all informed as and when!
If you would like to donate to support this challenge you can do so here:

Jul 19, 2012 | EP release, News, Radio and TV

Emma will be performing live on BBC Introducing South on Sunday 19th August.
Following the unanimous positive feedback on the demo panel on the 15th July, Emma will be joined by her full band in the studio to perform live on air.
Take part in the show!
The text number is 81333 (and you’ll need to start your message with the word “radio”) and the best email address to use when the show is live is
BBC Introducing: The South
7-9pm Sunday evenings
BBC Sussex and BBC Surrey & BBC Radio Solent
Listen in Brighton on 95.3 FM
Listen in Sussex & Surrey 104-104.8 FM
Listen in Solent & Hampshire on 96.1 FM
Listen in Dorset on 103.8 FM
Jul 14, 2012 | EP release, News, Radio and TV

Emma’s song, “A Place Called You”, will be featured on BBC Introducing this Sunday 15th at about 8:10pm (tune in earlier to make sure you don’t miss it!)
I would be grateful if you could text/email/tweet in about it.. Preferably good things. This will hopefully lead to a full session for Emma, so we do need your support.
The text number is 81333 (and you’ll need to start your message with the word “radio”) and the best email address to use when the show is live is
BBC Introducing: The South
7-9pm Sunday evenings
BBC Sussex and BBC Surrey & BBC Radio Solent
Listen in Brighton on 95.3 FM
Listen in Sussex & Surrey 104-104.8 FM
Listen in Solent & Hampshire on 96.1 FM
Listen in Dorset on 103.8 FM