Mar 7, 2013 | News, Radio and TV
I can excitedly finally announce that on Sunday morning, 17th March I will be performing and singing live on Radio 2, on Sir Terry Wogan’s “Wake up to Wogan” breakfast show. Joining the session will be my good friend Jenn Bostic. Terry Wogan is the reason Jenn and I met, and we have since formed a strong friendship and done many shows together. Also, it’s St Paddy’s Day!! Uh oh.. Jenn and I are already plotting…
Tune in and listen to our stories, our singing and don’t forget to email in too!

Nov 8, 2012 | News, Touring

The wonderful Jenn Bostic and myself… I am so lucky to have met her. It’s all thanks to Terry Wogan for playing our singles on his radio 2 show!
Anyway, we started tweeting and got along so well. Jenn is currently living in Nashville, but over in UK supporting Christian Kane, so we decided to meet up for dinner in Covent Garden. Two days later we did a magical show together at Bar Des Arts, Guildford (my local venue).
I feel like she and I are kindred spirits and it is amazing to think that music can bring two people from the other side of the world together in such a special way.
Here’s to the first of many gigs together. It’s wonderful how the Universe works sometimes.
Sep 2, 2012 | EP release, News, Radio and TV
Today my single “A Place Called You” is being played on BBC Radio 2 by the legendary Terry Wogan! How exciting!
You can
pre-order my EP which contains the single here
Thanks for all your support and if you have just discovered my site, WELCOME! Please say hello in the comments..